Credible Sanctioning Bodies Only

There is a growing proliferation of substandard, often profit based, self-proclaimed ‘sanctioning bodies’ that seek to operate in Motorsport. They purport to operate with the same or similar values and professional standards demanded of the AMC constituent bodies by our international affiliating federations. In reality, they offer little more than some levels of insurance cover and rules of varying quality (that are often treated as simple guidelines) to participants in their events.

This position statement addresses Federal and State Government recognition of motorsport sanctioning bodies, the standards and criteria required to achieve such status, the need to hold substandard sanctioning, substandard recognition bodies and promoters to account and highlight the risks and consequences of failing to do so.

The Authorised Sanctioning Bodies apply and require international best practice safety standards for our participants. It is our policy position that Government should first and foremost recognise the AMC’s members as being Australian motorsport’s leaders in all aspects of motorsport administration, management, and regulation and that they should be the bodies upon which government should rely on the most for advice on motorsport.

View Position Statement – PDF Document